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Microservice integration patterns - Binary Consulting

The following question was recently asked on the team. We have an e-commerce application comprised of an order service where orders are placed, a billing service for taking payments, and a shipping service for delivering the order. We want to introduce a notification service to send emails, such as order confirmation. The confirmation email has a template, provided by marketing, and contains information about the order such as products purchased, delivery address, and payment information. How do I get the data contained in these separate services without too much coupling? I’ve taken an Amazon order confirmation email as an example and have highlighted the content provided by each of the four services named above within the email. Aggregating data from multiple autonomous services can be approached in many different ways. Driving our architectural choice is the understanding that an autonomous service is responsible for its own data and domain logic. We want services to fulfill ...
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What Are Containers? A Simple Guide to Containerization and How Docker Works

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Technical debt — leverage or liquidate?

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Virtual Method in C#

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REST Resource Identifier (URI) Naming – REST API Tutorial

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Best practices for a clean and performant Angular application

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