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Debugging Java applications running on Docker.

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Attack on Checkbox: When data ingestion gets ugly

A fun tale of when software is much easier said than done. Disclaimer: All material in this post has been used with permission. Certain details modified for client confidentiality. TL;DR: “Just read in data from Excel files. Easy!” We were wrong. When geometry, image analysis, and a little creativity come together to save a client countless hours of struggle. Shameless plug: if data ingestion troubles are keeping you up at night, contact us ! The Project That Started It All We founded our software consultancy so we could pursue our dreams in a way that full-time jobs wouldn’t let us: a touring death metal drummer, a mad roboticist, and a one-man band. It was just three of us in Calvin’s living room when our first client called. “We need a feature for our webapp where users can upload Excel and Word files, then it ingests all the form data to a database.” Sounds easy. Read in some files, parse the relevant pieces, and store them to a database. How ...

REST Resource Identifier (URI) Naming – REST API Tutorial

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What Are Containers? A Simple Guide to Containerization and How Docker Works

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